Iced tea + Lemonade with Chia Seeds

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    Did you know that by simply adding a teaspoon of chia seeds to your favoritebeverage you’ll get a quick and convenient nutrient boost? Since nothingsays summer like a glass of refreshing iced tea, superfoods brand, Nutiva, partnered with Numi Organic Teato create delicious recipes combining iced teamade with Numi Tea and Nutiva Chia Seeds.

    Chia seeds are a rich source of protein, beneficial antioxidants, essentialomega-3 fatty acids and fiber. These super seeds are also an excellentsource of essential minerals such as phosphorous, manganese, calcium, sodiumand potassium. Adding chia seeds to iced tea will actually help you feelsatiated and is a great way to get added nutrition throughout the day.

    Iced tea + Lemonade with Chia Seeds

    Recipe type: Yield: 1 Prep time: Cook time: Total time:

    Chia adds a superfood boost, while lemonade adds a light sweetness to the crisp, refreshing flavor of black tea.


    1/2 tsp. Nutiva Organic Black Chia Seeds
    2 Tbsp. Water, room temperature
    1 Numi Organic Tea – Breakfast Blend black tea bag
    ½ cup Water, boiling
    ½ cup Lemonade
    Ice cubes
    Lemon slices


    1. Add chia seeds to 2 tbsp. of room temperature water. Stir to combine, and set aside for 5 minutes, until chia softens.
    2. Meanwhile, bring ½ cup of water to boil.
    3. Steep tea bag in hot water for 5 minutes.
    4. Discard tea bag and pour tea into a tall glass. Add lemonade and chia seeds and stir to combine.
    5. Top with ice, garnish with a lemon wedge and serve.

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