Paulaner Brewery Sets New Export Record in 2011


In 2011, the 378-year old traditional Bavarian brewery Paulaner set a new export record, with growth rates of nearly 40 percent. The wheat beer is sold in more than 70 countries, and it is still brewed in Munich, Germany, where the Monks originally created the tasty drink.

“We are very satisfied with our export results,” said Head of Paulaner Brewery’s International Sales, Marcus Korte. “It is particularly gratifying that we are also enjoying strong growth in Asia and the Pacific Region, with 40 percent growth there exceeding even the most optimistic forecasts. This puts us 20 percent ahead of our own goals.”

Typically, the company sees mostly European sales driving growth. This year Poland’s sales increased by 29 percent, Spain by 10 percent, and Italy by 7 percent, but the company is interested to see where the large amount of sales in Asia could lead to.

“China is a beer- drinking country. Traditionally, a lot of lager is drunk here whichmeans that wheat beer is not only something new – it’s also a welcome change,” said Paulaner’s Sales Director for China, Marco Santomauro. “We envisage a great deal of potential in China. The Chinese are particularly fond of our wheat beer in 5- litre cans. And we’ll be interested to see whether the dark beer we’re currently presenting will be just as successful.”

15 of the brewery’s 17 international pubs are already located on the Asian continent, and more are planned to open in China during 2012.

Starting in June, in additional efforts to increase revenue, partners can take part in an online quiz on the company’s website to enter a weekend trip to Munich. Consumers can also enter a drawing to win one of 100 FC bayern Munich football jerseys.

For more information about Paulaner wheat beer, as well as their June contests, visit the brewery’s website.

Posted by Melanie Figueroa


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