Hot Off the Press: Great Taste Magazine May | June 2018


Great-Taste Magazine May | June 2018 Issue preview is Hot Off the Press!

This issue, we’re learning all about modern Latin cuisine – from defining modern Latin food, to exploring the newest culinary creations. Great Taste has got notes, tips, and tricks on how to balance modern and traditional cuisine.

Learn about the modern Latin dishes that local chefs are cooking up, and that their guests are loving. Chef and cookbook author Deborah Schneider discusses how she developed her passion for Mexican cuisine and turned it into a career that she loves. Alyson Dutch tackles the pros and cons of Americanizing the names of Latin dishes on the menu for guests unfamiliar with the cuisine.

Products to look out for include our issue’s produce pick, Red French Butter Lettuce. Additionally, the semi-hard and versatile Comté is our scrumptious cheese pick of the month.

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