Tommy Bahama Partners with Chicago Park District for Second Year


tommy-bahama“Tommy Bahama is very happy to be back for another year to partner with the Chicago Park District,” said Rob Goldberg, Executive Vice President,Tommy Bahama Marketing. “We all had a great time working together last year and it’s a great fit with our shared commitment to high-energy fun and safety on and around Chicago’s beaches and pools.”

Tommy Bahamajoins the Chicago Park District for summer 2015 to help fund the operation of 24 beaches and 89 city pools managed by the CPD.Tommy Bahamawill expand its support this season by outfitting the 1,000 lifeguards and 300 aquatic staff for Chicago’s beaches and pools. The official uniform for CPD lifeguards, which consists of Sun Tech tee, swim short and Navigator hat, will be worn by 370 beach and 630 pool lifeguards as well as 300 swim instructors.

TheChicago Park Districtis one of the largest municipal park managers in the nation and owner of more than 8,100 acres of green space. In addition to serving residents, anumberof theseparksand beaches double as famous tourist destinations.

“We are so pleased that Tommy Bahama has returned to support one of Chicago’s greatest summer assets – its beaches and pools,” said Chicago Park District General Superintendent Michael Kelly. “The lifestyle brand is synonymous with summer, fun and healthy living, all things the Chicago Park District strives to bring to our great city and the families we serve.”

For summer 2015,Tommy Bahamawill once again bring its “Make Life One Long Weekend™” philosophy to Chicago. The partnership betweenTommy Bahamaand Chicago Park District will continue to do its part to keep the city’s beaches and pools a beautiful place to relax and enjoy the season.

posted 5/12/15 by Andrea Gonzalez

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