The First Lady Helps “Chefs Move to Schools”


First Lady Michelle Obama recently participated in a cook-off and created a website in order to promote the program Chefs Move to Schools, which began in 2010 as part of the Let’s Move! initiative. The program aims to teach kids about eating healthier, and the website will help them access recipes, resources, and training, as well as show them how they can make a difference in their own communities by signing up as a member.

The cook-off took place in Dallas, Texas, at the Kleberg/Rylie Recreation Center, with the help of chef Tom Colicchio, six “Top Chef” contestants, and members of the Dallas Cowboys. Students from the Dallas Independent School District, which has earned more HealthierUS School Challenge Gold Awards than any other district in America, participated.

“Chefs Move to Schools has been a huge success with thousands of chefs teaming up with schools to prepare healthier meals and teach students about healthy eating,” says First Lady, Michelle Obama.”And now we’re excited to take this program to the next will make it even easier for chefs to connect with schools and share ideas with each other.So I’m counting on chefs and schools across our country to go to the website, sign up, and start cooking!”

Organizations like the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs, The Culinary Trust, Harvard School of Public Health, International Corporate Chefs Association, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and more have contributed to the creation of the website. Teachers, parents, students, and chefs use the site to interact with each other to create a new generation of children who will have the knowledge and resources to become their own food advocates. Already, the program has brought salad bars, healthier school meal recipes, and even gardens to schools across the nation.

For more information visit the program’s website. Join the 3400 chefs and 3350 schools that have already registered as official participants!

Posted by Melanie Figueroa


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