Silver and Freedman 2011 AB1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Schedule


On January 1, 2005, AB1825 required that all California employers with 50 or more employees or contractors provide at least two (2) hours of interactive sexual harassment training to all supervisory employees. It also mandates that these trainings occur every other year. The law also requires that all new supervisors be trained within six months of hire or promotion.

Silver and Freedman has been conducting supervisory training classes for more than 20 years, and we continue to offer training that will keep your company in compliance with AB1825. Our classes deliver this crucial information in a practical, straight-forward, interactive, and interesting format taught by one of our Employment and Labor Law attorneys. We offer these classes in either a live, custom-tailored class, or in a very cost-effective, interactive webinar.

* Interactive Webinars Attend from the comfort of your own desk!

* All you need is a computer with Internet access and a telephone (or speakerphone if more than one person is participating)

* Unlimited participants on one connection

* Webinars are scheduled for 1/13, 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12, 6/9, 7/14, 8/11, 9/8, 10/13, 11/10 and 12/8

* $350 per Internet/phone connection

* Training at Silver and Freedman Training provided at Silver and Freedman

* Breakfast and parking included

* Live classes are scheduled for 3/22, 5/17, 7/19, 9/13, 12/13

* $110 per attendee (or $100 per person if three or more from the same company attend)

* Training at your Facility Training provided at any location you choose

* Dates and times based on your schedule

* Approximately $2000 per session (dependent on location)

Take this opportunity to train your managers and supervisors who have not yet fulfilled their AB1825 requirement. Please call Silver and Freedman’s Client Services Department at 310.282.9417 for more information or visit to register for an upcoming training.

Via Silver and Freedman

Posted 1/7/11 by L.

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