Pechanga Honors Veterans With Free Buffet and Lots Of Fun


Pechanga is offering all active and veteran members of the U.S. Armed Forces a free meal at its all new, redesigned Buffet this Veterans Day, November 11. Honoring their sacrifice to this great nation, Pechanga welcomes veterans to its Buffet between 11am to 3pm and 4pm to 11pm. The prices for non-military guests are noted below.

Since Veteran’s Day 2009, when the tradition began, Pechanga has served 4,386 free buffets to veterans and active duty military members. “We are happy to once again serve our veterans and honor their service,” said Pechanga Development Corporation President Joaquin Fletcher. “From hosting military balls to supporting veteran causes, Pechanga knows its debt of gratitude to these men and women and we are not afraid to show it each year as we observe Veteran’s Day.”

Valid Veteran and Active Duty Identification accepted will include:

• Military identification card

• Veteran’s identification card

• Veteran’s organization card such as VFW, American Legion

• Discharge papers, dd214 or other veterans ID

*Please note: For the safety and comfort of everyone, guests are asked to respect the normal resort dress code of appropriate wear and no gang-style clothing.

Cost for non-military guests: (Note: signing up for a Silver card at a Rewards Club booth is always free)

Lunch: 11a-3p – No card $16.99, Silver $13.99, Gold $10.99, Platinum $7.99, Red $4.99

Dinner: 4p-11p – No card $26.99, Silver $23.99, Gold $20.99, Platinum $17.99, Red $14.99

Visitors on Veteran’s Day will also be able to have some fun while visiting Pechanga.

The Poker Room is offering up its No-Limit Hold’em charity event for “Operation Silver Star” – a Menifee-based nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting wounded and returning combat military veterans of all eras. The tournament begins at 7pm with a $100+$25 buy-in. 30% goes to charity and 70% to the prize pool. Operation Silver Star was founded by the family of a former Pechanga employee who lost a limb in the Iraq war.

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