Forty Percent of Customers Are Loyal to a Favorite Restaurant Regardless of Promotions


More than forty percent of consumers say they are loyal to their favorite restaurants and will go there whether or not the establishment has a promotion, reports The NPD Group, a leading market research company. Although there are still over one-third of consumers looking for bargains when choosing a restaurant, this large group of “loyal” restaurant consumers defines value as more than price, according to a recently released NPD foodservice report.

Quality is a key driver for the “loyalist” restaurant consumers and quality remains the most important value driver for most consumers when choosing restaurants, even bargain hunters want quality for the price, according to the NPD report entitled, Defining Value Today: How Consumers Choose to Eat Out. The report, which takes an in-depth look at how key consumer segments perceive the relationships between price, quality, and value, finds that in addition to loyalists and deal/price seekers among the other consumer segments identified are those that look for quantity of food.

Posted by Chantal Lozano


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