The Waffle Takes Center Stage at Waff N’ Roll and Arthur’s Coffee Shop


“Knowing and accepting that Murphy’s Law goes on steroids during restaurant Pulled pork waffleopenings was invaluable,” says Brian Fast when asked how prior experience aided him in opening Waff n Roll.

The concept for Waff n Roll, a food truck specializing in both savory and sweet waffle sandwiches, sprung from Brian’s desire to capitalize on the popularity of waffles. “1/8 of the world’s population eats some form of waffle product,” says Fast. It also allowed him to expose a greater segment of the population to the waffles served at his flagship restaurant, Arthur’s Coffee Shop in La Habra.

The Arthur’s Coffee Shop and Waff n Roll websites display the quirky sense of humor that resonates among the staff at both establishments. In conjunction with this lies Fast’s determination to produce food that patrons crave through “the pursuit of consistent execution.”

Time is Fast’s arch nemesis when it comes to operating a full service restaurant and a food truck, but he finds that social media and marketing are his allies. Because Waff n Roll is a supercharged on the go extension of the waffle menu at Arthur’s Coffee Shop, Fast and his team are able to capitalize on maximum exposure.

While Arthur’s Coffee Shop has been serving up morning delights since 1984, Waff n Roll just made its debut on the streets of La Habra in April. Fast enjoys that he has been able to merge the experiences he has garnered with the “new creative juices” that opening a food truck fosters.

Fast considers Waff n Roll the culinary equivalent to an indie band. Just as many indie bands dream of the big stage, Fast’s goal for Waff n Roll is to “perform on many stages. Make this talented garage band a beloved headliner. Build a fan base.”

Waff N’Roll and Arthur’s Coffee Shop are part of our series highlighting restaurant groups and chains founded and flourishing in Orange County that were featured in the May|June 2013 print issue of Great Taste Magazine. Click here for the entire article.

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