Proposed Legislation to Ban Companies from Hosting Events and Conferences


Sen. Kerry has introduced legislation that would ban all 421 firms, including the nation’s largest banks, that received money from the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) from hosting, sponsoring or paying for conferences, holiday parties and entertainment events. If passed, thislegislation would not only impact the affected companies it would have a chilling, immediate, impact on all companies. This hurts travel managers, hotels, airlines, rental cars, EVERYONE! It’s estimated that without the jobs generated by meetings and conventions unemployment would jump from 7.6% to 8.2%! We as partners in business travel must educate Congress on the importance of managed travel and the benefits it brings. NBTA has issued a set of guidelines to the U.S. Treasury for effective managed travel based on your practices. You have made travel for meetings and events a cost effective tool that help businesses grow.

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