

The company WineStraws, created by Jenny LaFever, has recently created the only straws that allow wine lovers to enjoy a glass of red wine without staining their teeth. The straws keep your smile looking beautiful without compromising the taste of the wine. The straws also keep lip gloss and lipstick off the glass, a common problem for female wine drinkers.

Dental professionals have been recommending the use of straws for drinks like coffee, soda, and iced tea that stain consumers teeth for decades. However, there has not been an option available, till now, that ensured the taste was maintained. The straws have a smaller inner-diameter than average drinking straws, allowing the flow of wine to be sent directly to the back of the palate.

The straws look like real glass and are made with BPA-free and FDA-approved plastic. They are unbreakable and recyclable, and they only have to be rinsed with warm water to be reused.

For more information visit the company’s website.

Posted by Melanie Figueroa


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