War Veterans are Americas Next Generation of Farmers, Food Nurtrition & Science


While veterans returning from service struggle to find work, America’s farmers are aging without enough young people to fill the void. However, the March issue of Food Nutrition & Science examines an organization called The Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) that’s cultivating a new generation of farmers and food leaders through the collaboration of the farming and military communities.

“The average American farmer is 57, and starting a farm is not easy,” says Phil Lempert, founder of Food Nutrition & Science and CEO of The Lempert Report and SupermarketGuru.com. “There are high startup costs and a lack of available land for purchase or rent. This is the perfect opportunity for both veterans and farmers to create jobs and continue America’s food supply.”

FVC currently has a network of over 600 veterans in over 47 states. Growing their client base as well as their national scope is a priority for 2013.

Other articles in the March issue include study results from McGill University in Canada and Notre Dame University in Lebanon, and published in The Journal of Nutrition. The study found that despite vitamin D intakes below the Estimated Average Requirement, and a significant use of sunscreen that blocks vitamin D, 95.5 percent of Montreal preschoolers attending daycare have significant vitamin D concentration and aren’t deficient as initially thought. Experts suggest that children eat foods rich in vitamin D such as milk, yogurt and fatty fish as food remains a safe non-carcinogenic alternative to unprotected sun exposure.

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posted by Anna Nguyen

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