The Future of Business Is Social: Seven Principles That Lead to Social Success and the Companies Already Getting Them Right


Take a look at the hard numbers. A 2009 study by the Nielsen Company revealed that employees, partners, and customers spent 17 percent of their online time social networking or blogging and 83 percent more time in online social networks than the year prior. What’s more, these constituencies are driving advertisers to spend an expected $2.6 billion on these social sites by 2012.

Essentially, these statistics tell us that companies need to embrace and capture the voices of their employees and customers if they want to innovate and thrive. And at the same time, customers and employees want to impact all aspects of business by sharing their opinions, criticisms, and praise with companies and with each other.

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Social Nation: How to Harness the Power of Social Media to Attract Customers, Motivate Employees, and Grow Your Business
By Barry Libert

posted 12/14/10

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