Send your Prayers and your Donations!


On Monday, July 6th, 2015 industry friends Andrew and Julia Sullens were in a horrific car accident. The couple had a few drinks after a long shift at work. They went to the Huddle in Costa Mesa, CA. Being responsible, they called an Uber to pick them up. When their car arrived the pair got into the back seat. As the Uber driver exited the parking lot just North of Bristol Avenue on Baker Street, another driver in a BMW collided with the driver’s side of the vehicle. Andrew was seriously injured in the crash. Fortunately he should be able to make a full recovery. Sadly Julia’s life was lost.

Andrew is currently a Bartender at Ecco Pizzeria. Being in the service industry, Andrew doesn’t have the luxury of vacation time or paid medical leave. This account has been set up to alleviate some of the stress that comes with such a traumatic incident. The last thing he should have to worry about is bills in this trying and terrible time. A date for his return to work has not yet been determined.

Please pass this on to anyone and everyone you know. Please keep them in your prayers.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer. Click here to help.

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