RA Sushi Partners with the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. for the “ONEHOPE and Pink Roll” Promotion


onehopepinkrollspecial.jpgRA Sushi Bar Restaurant announced the “ONEHOPE and Pink Roll” promotion to benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. (NBCF). From Friday, Oct. 15 to Monday, Nov. 15, RA will donate 100 percent of the profits from the sale of the “ONEHOPE and Pink Roll” special to the foundation.

The NBCF’s mission is to save lives through early cancer detection and to provide mammograms to those in need. ONEHOPE is a California wine company that donates half of its profits to breast cancer awareness, among other causes.

The “ONEHOPE and Pink Roll” special will be offered for $15 and includes ONEHOPE wine and the signature Pink Roll. The Pink Roll features shrimp, kani kama crab mix and sriracha combined with lettuce, avocado and cucumber wrapped in pink soy paper and served with a pink strawberry sauce. The roll is paired with a glass of ONEHOPE 2009 California Chardonnay.

RA Sushi Bar Restaurant locations across the country have teamed up with ONEHOPE and the NBCF in the fight against breast cancer, and RA is proud to donate the profits from the sale of each “ONEHOPE and Pink Roll” special to the NBCF for this month-long promotion.

“Breast cancer affects so many people nationwide, and we are honored to do our small part to help save lives by supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s early detection programs,” said John Han, regional manager for RA Sushi in California. “We are looking forward to a successful partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation.”

Posted 10/14/10.

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