Pat Towersey Serves as Store Ambassador for Ritual Wellness this February


Pat “Punker Pat” Towersey, Newport Beach native and premiere free surfer,is servingas the store ambassador for Ritual Wellness this month. Ritual Wellness boasts a line of Ritual Cleanse organic fruit juices that provide the perfect avenue for detoxing your body andsupplementing a healthy, fit lifestyle. In conjunction with his duty as store ambassador, Pat has chosen one of his favorite Ritual Wellness juices, “Spicy Greens,” to serve as a mediumfor generating revenue for a charity of his choice. Visit Ritual Wellnesstotry a Spicy Green juice and the store will donate 10% of sales to charity.
Ritual Wellness
The Camp
2937 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Posted by Tiffany Haslacker

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