Melissa’s Produce – “The Great Pepper Cookbook”


Melissa’s Produce, the largest variety distributor of fresh and dried peppers, introduces their newest cookbook this one devoted to the popular world of peppers.

Fresh and dried peppers are a key ingredient in many cuisines around the world and they have gained popularity here in the U.S. recently thanks to the culinary world’s embracement of the vast variety of peppers. Beyond jalapenos, home cooks are now looking to learn more about these flavorful fruits, not just for their heat level, but to cook beyond their comfort zone. This highly visual and engaging book shows readers how simple it is to use 37 different varieties of peppers. Designed in an easy-to-follow format with 150 delicious everyday recipes that celebrate the unique range of flavors peppers offer, Melissa’s The Great Pepper Cookbook is a must-have for any home chef’s culinary library.

The cookbook starts with the basics a fresh and dried pepper identification guide that includes booth physical and taste characteristics of each pepper featured. There is a lesson on what makes a pepper spicy or not, as well as a whole section that covers the selection, storage and proper handling of peppers. Filled with brilliant, colorful photographs, clear recipes and clever tricks for handling the pepper, this book will be useful for readers at any level of experience. The book acts as a primer of all varieties of peppers and includes images of all varieties, seasonality and a scoville chart heat rating. The majority of the book is made up of scrumptious recipes from drink recipes to dinner and side to dessert recipes, using each variety of peppers in a dish categorized for every meal of the day.

Click Here to buy the cookbook

posted by Sarah McCallum

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