International Rose Week Begins in Provence


Marseille, France, is the site of the fourthInternational Symposium on Rose Wine(Rencontres Internationales du Rose), to be held April 23-24. Organized by the Provence Wine Council (Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provence) in cooperation with the Provence-based Center for Rose Research and other industry organizations, this conference will bring together renowned scientists, academics, economists, journalists, wine producers, and wine trade professionals to discuss worldwide rose production techniques, market conditions, marketing strategies, and consumption trends.

The conference organizers are collaborating with the sponsors of the annualMondial du Rosecompetition in Cannes (April 20-22) to create what’s being called the firstInternational Rose Week. Mondial du Rose, organized by the Union des Oenologues de France, has been held each year since 2005.

Posted by Paula Votendahl


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