All About Almonds


The Almond Board of California announced recently that almonds are the number one ingredient used in new products worldwide and have been since 2006.The Innova Market Insights 2011 Global New Products Report found that products that introduce almonds specifically within the cereal category experienced doubled-digit growth, 35 percent in North America alone, in 2011.

The report also found that almonds are the number one nut used in new cereal products in four out of the five major regions of the world and that when asked for their preferred ingredient in a cereal, consumers choose almonds twice as often as other nuts.

“Almonds continue to be one of the best examples of a successful ingredient because they tick so many boxes – nutritious, great tasting and easy-to-use in a wide range of products,” said LuAnn Williams, head of research for Innova Market Insights.

Posted by Lauren Grelle-Athanasiou


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