Yard House Raises $250k to Charities on Behalf of Round It Up America


Round it up America, founded by Yard House President and CEO Harald Herrmann along with Jennifer Weerheim, the company’s VP of marketing, has raised more that $250k in less than a year simply by asking guests to round up their checks to the nearest dollar and donating those remains to local charities. Eight So Cal non-profit organizations will receive $10,000 as a result of the kindness of Yard House guests. Also, representatives from the California Restaurant Associations and the National Restaurant Associated will be granted with a $15,000 check to support their Education Foundations. Jim Knotts,the national director of Operation Homefront, which provides emergency and morale assistance to our troops, wounded warriors, and families of deployed soldiers, will travel from Washington D.C. to Orange County, to collect $50,000 in support of his organization.

“What we created was an opportunity for our guests to give to their communities and, boy, did they give – $250,000 collectively. Not everyone can afford to attend a black-tie gala or silent auction benefit, but we found that most people are willing to donate a few extra dimes and nickles to help our their fellow citizens.”

A whopping $41.50 per day is brought in by each Yard House restaurant which constitutes to $1,037 daily combination from 27 restaurants. The money that is raised from Round it up America, benefits food banks, homeless shelters, crisis relief centers, emergency assistance for military troops and their families, as well as services that protect the welfare of children and older adults. Yard House employees lead by example by educating others about the power of giving to others.

The inaugural Round it up America Granting Ceremony will take place on Thursday, October 28 at 9am at the Yard House in Irvine.

Posted on 10/22/10

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