“the best of the best” in North America


Landana Sheep cheese MILD is thelucky winner of the gold medal at the World Dairy Expo Championship Dairy ProductContest! The only judging contest in North America of its kind held their judging the 8thof August in Madison, Wisconsin. Landana Sheep MILD Gouda-Style Cheese is nowafforded the unprecedented opportunity to promote and market this Dutch cheesespecialty with a score of 99.45% as “the best of the best” in North America.

Landana is the delicious Dutch specialty cheese of distinction, loved for its unique,creamy flavor, for its incredible quality and wide range of flavor- and colorful varietiesmade from 100% pure cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk. Landana is prepared according tothe age-old cheese maker’s tradition. The art of Dutch cheese making has been handeddown generation to generation – the method has changed very little over time.

Landana Sheep MILD Gouda-Style cheese is available for purchase at select retailersnationwide.

Formore information, visit www.LandanaCheese.com

Posted by Ann Chen

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