Southern California’s GrowingGreat Awarded $10,000


GrowingGreat, Southern California school garden and nutrition organization, was recently awarded $10,000 by The Aetna Healthy Food Fight contest. The winner of this year’s contest was Mary Edwards from Pomona, California. She was voted a “fan favorite,” with the final cook-off judged by Bobby Flay in New York, and named GrowingGreat as the recipient of the prize money.

The contest was intended to encourage people to live healthier lifestyles by eating nutritional foods, and many chefs across America participated in regional cook-offs.

“We are so grateful for Aetna, Mary Edwards, and the thousands of fans that made this grant possible,” says GrowingGreat Executive Director, Sarah Gelb. “We could not have done it without the relentless support of our fans.The grant will go a long way,inspiring more kids to adopt healthy eating habits through GrowingGreat’sinnovativeparent-ledclassroom nutrition and school garden programs- empowering the next generation to live longer and healthier lives.”

Edwards was one of four finalists chosen for the final cook-off, her “Salmon Pozole” recipe winning with 6800 votes.

“I picked Growing Great because I just loved their hands-on, grassroots approach to promoting healthy eating habits,” said Edwards. “In particular I admire the work they are doing with children by getting them involved with their own gardens. I have seen how my own three-year-old grandson’s love of seeing things grow has helped him become a healthier eater.”

Posted by Melanie Figueroa


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