No Kid Hungry Campaign


Billy Shore and Jeff Bridges announced the launch of the No Kid Hungry Campaign, and nearly 17,000 individuals have joined them in taking the No Kid Hungry Pledge. Plus, more than 1,000 people showed their support by packing a lunch and donating the money they otherwise would have spent to the campaign.

But for this movement to be a complete success, we need your support. Will you take this opportunity to join thousands of people including Jeff Bridges, Larry King and the Governors of Maryland, New Mexico and Colorado and sign the No Kid Hungry Pledge?

It seemed like we were everywhere yesterday. Jeff and Billy appeared on CNN, MSNBC and C-SPAN. No Kid Hungry was featured in USA Today. And today, the start of this campaign is covered by The Washington Post, Politico and many other outlets. We are both thrilled and humbled by yesterday’s events, but we’re also energized for the challenges ahead.

As Billy said on CNN yesterday, “This is a solvable problem. We have the programs in place and they have bipartisan support. They have a track record of success over 30 years … if we can get more of the kids who are eligible enrolled in these programs … we can actually solve this problem of childhood hunger.”

If you don’t believe that, well, frankly, this Pledge isn’t for you. But if you do, I hope you’ll join us in taking the No Kid Hungry Pledge. By doing so, you will take the first step toward carrying this movement a little bit further. It just takes a minute to add your name:

Posted 11/18/10.

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