McDonald’s Set Timetable to Eliminate Gestation Crate Confinement of Pigs


McDonald’s has set a 10-year timetable to eliminate gestation crate confinement of breeding pigs from its pork supply chain.Additionally in February , the company announced it would phase out the use use of cruel crates.

While the Humane Society of the United States welcomes the news, it would prefer a shorter time frame.

“The Humane Society of the United States is pleased that McDonald’s has set a definite timeline to eliminate gestation crate confinement of pigs in its supply chain. These cages are so cramped, the animals are unable even to turn around, essentially immobilized and lined up like parked cars for virtually their entire lives.We wish the company planned to get rid of these crates tomorrow, but we understand the logistical challenges involved in making such significant improvements,” said Paul Shapiro, vice president of farm animal protection for the HSUS.

Laws have already been passed in eight states to ban the practice and others have bills pending.

Posted by Lauren Grelle-Athanasiou


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