Former Marriott International President Named Head of Laguna Strategic Advisors


Ed Fuller, recently retired President of Marriott International, has been named President of Laguna Strategic Advisors LLC., the Irvine, California-based global consulting company. This appointment was effectively on July 30, 2012.

His real-world experiences during these years are recounted in his best-selling business book, “You Can’t Lead With Your Feet On the Desk,” published globally by John Wiley & Co. in 2011.

“Ed will help grow Laguna Strategic Advisors’ consortium of independent global business consultants committed to delivering client solutions in stakeholder leadership, risk management, organizational development, resort destination management and other business sectors,” said Buck Laird, Managing Director of Laguna Strategic Advisors.

In addition to his work with Laguna Strategic Advisors, Fuller will serve as an adjunct professor at the Paul Merage Graduate School of Business at the University of California Irvine and as a visiting professor at Boston University. He continues his involvement with numerous business, educational and charity boards globally.

Posted by Ann Chen

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