Cha Cha’s Tacos & Tequila Helps Raise More Than $10,000 For Bartender Battling Breast Cancer


Cha Cha’s Tacos & Tequila, the fresh innovative Latin restaurant located in Brea Downtown, is proud to announce that Erendida Day helped raise more than $10,000 to help one of their opening bartenders as she undergoes chemotherapy for breast cancer, in addition the newly created Erendida-Rita, will continue to provide her support.

Erendida Day, was held on March 23 to help and honor Erendida Jacobo, one of Cha Cha’s opening bartenders who is currently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. During Erendida Day, 25 percent of all liquor sales were given directly to Jacobo to help cover a portion of her missed tips and medical expenses.

Cha Cha’s has also created a completely new Margarita, the “Erendida-Rita,” to continue helping Erendida. A portion from each Erendida-Rita will go directly to Jacobo.

“The public support for Erendida was amazing,” said Don Myers, co-founder of Cha Cha’s Tacos and Tequila. “It was standing room only in the lounge that night and we extended the event into the dining room to ensure everyone had the opportunity to help her. Creating the Erendida-Rita is our way of showing continued support to one of our own that needs it.”

Last September, Erendida was diagnosed with an incredibly aggressive Stage-1 breast cancer and had surgery last October to remove the cancer. Recently, Jacobo’s doctors told her that she needs to have chemotherapy to drastically reduce the chances of the cancer returning.

“From the moment we opened there was a crowd that had heard about the event and came to support Erendida,” said Peter Serantoni, co- founder of Cha Cha’s Tacos and Tequila. “The flavors of the new margarita will be fun, flavorful and spicy, to capture Erendida’s great qualities.”

Cha Cha’s is still gratefully accepting donations for Jacobo. “Although the event took place last month, we are still getting a regular flow of guests coming in and dropping off checks for her. Don and I extremely grateful to the community for helping her in her time of need,” said Serantoni.

Dwight Manley, local philanthropist and community activist matched the funds Cha Cha’s donated to Jacobo.

Posted on 04/23/11 by Lauren

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