Dogz Soon to Reopen After Arson Fire in Long Beach


The Fire last week at DOGZ Bar and Grill in Belmont Shore was arson, and two of the three suspects are now in custody. This was released by the owners of Dogz:

“On Tuesday June 12, 2018, at approximately 5am, DOGZ became a completely random victim of an arson fire. The fire dept was very responsive and had the fire out within 30-45 minutes. However, the huge amount of water that was used once again caused extensive water damage.

After setting aside all the grief, sadness, anger etc. of knowing all the hard work had paid off and we were going to re-open in just days, we know we cannot change what happened. Surrounding businesses were able to capture the 3 suspects on video and get a positive ID of them. According to detectives, the 3 suspects had already caused multiple fires in recent days throughout the east Long Beach area and they had already had a very active investigation going. It doesn’t change what happened, but it is comforting to know that as of today June 18, 2018, 2 of the 3 suspects are in custody. Hopefully they will be brought to justice so they can’t do any further damage.

The property owner is 100% committed to rebuilding so that DOGZ can reopen ASAP. The city is also being very supportive to assist in any way they can to eliminate any delays.”

This was as they were working to reopen after last year’s flooding disaster: a commercial truck crashed into a fire hydrant, damaging the restaurant from top to bottom. The restaurant was so close to reopening, and had notified their employees to submit two weeks notices at other jobs so they could return to DOGZ.

If you would like to further support Dogz, you can contribute at a page started by Rod and Kelly Frontino at

For more information, visit

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