Barefoot Wine Donates $100,000 to Help Children of Restaurant Employees


By PR Newswire

E. & J. Gallo’s Barefoot Wine Donates $100,000 to Help Children of Restaurant Employees

At Barefoot, we’re grateful for restaurant workers because we share their passion for food, service, and friendship. To help restaurant employees weather the impact of COVID-19 on their families, Barefoot is making an initial $100,000 donation to Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE), which supports food and beverage employees and their families faced with life-altering circumstances. In addition to this initial commitment, Barefoot will be supporting other local efforts as future needs emerge during these unprecedented times.

“We appreciate the support of Barefoot to help us keep families afloat during this difficult time,” said Executive Director at C.O.R.E. Sheila G. Bennett. “Barefoot’s generosity will go a long way to support restaurant employees with children as they navigate their way through this unprecedented pandemic to happier days.”

“We are proud to help CORE extend relief to restaurant employees and their children,” said Anna Bell, Vice President of Marketing at Barefoot. “We look forward to the time when we can all return to the many restaurants that have played such an enjoyable role in our daily lives. In the meantime, Barefoot is committed to supporting CORE and their impactful initiatives.”

In addition, Gallo will match U.S. based employee contributions one-to-one through its employee match program.

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