Buttered Caramel Apple Toddy

Contributed by: Chef Christopher Koetke

When the weather turns cold, hot beverages are perfect. This one combinesButtered Caramel-Apple Toddy

This recipe was developed by Christopher Koetke, CEC, CCE, HAAC, vice president, Kendall College School of Culinary Arts and Laureate Universities International Center of Excellence in Culinary Arts.

(Yield: 4 servings)

1/2 CSugar

3/4 CWater – divided

3 CFresh apple cider

1/2 tground cinnamon

4 ozdark rum

4 ozunsalted butter

  1. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the sugar and

Buttered Caramel Apple Toddy

Recipe type: Yield: 4 Prep time: Cook time: Total time:

Buttered Caramel Apple Toddy Kendall College taste great. From dinner recipes, budget menus and healthy diet selections, you’ll easily find any recipe you need.


1/2 CSugar
3/4 CWater – divided
3 CFresh apple cider
1/2 tground cinnamon
4 ozdark rum
4 ozunsalted butter


  1. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the sugar and

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