DYP (Dutch Yellow Potatoes) Workshop

    November 22, 2014 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
    Rancho Los Alamitos - Long Beach
    6400 East Bixby Hill Road
    Long Beach, CA 90815
    $40 Members; $45 non-members - Includes book

    Grown in the fertile Snake River Plain of southern Idaho, DYPs are mellow yellow potatoes with thin (edible) skins. Available year-round, Dutch Yellow Potatoes are ideal for baking, steaming, boiling, sauteing, also for grilling, mashing, roasting, and pureeing!Beautifully illustrated and with easy-to-follow instructions, the variety of delicious recipes in this book (developed by the kitchen experts from Melissa’s) offer the home-cook dozens of exciting culinary options from quick dinners to weekend celebrations and elegant parties.

    It is time to spice up the holidays and “Move beyond Baked” so join us and Robert Schuellerfrom Melissa’s for this fun workshop. Author, Chef Ida Rodriguez, accompanied by Chefs Tom Fraker andDebbi Dubbs will share some tips, recipes, cooking instruction and tasty bites!

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