Open Blue Cobia Cook Off


cobia-cookoff-splashOpen Blue is excited to announce the upcoming Open Blue Cobia Cook Off. This blogging and cook off competition gives US Based food bloggers and chefs the chance to win one grand prize€”a 4 day, 3 night trip to Panama City.

To enter the contest, prospective finalists must publish a blog post and photo with an original recipe featuring Open Blue Cobia. On September 8, 2015, Open Blue will choose 5 finalists from all eligible who will be invited to the Cobia Cook Off Event and Award Reception in Charleston, South Carolina, on October 13, 2015.

Each of the finalists will receive an expenses-paid 3 day, 2 night stay in Charleston, South Carolina, including round trip coach-class air transportation, accommodation, and ground transportation.

During the Cobia Cook Off Event, a live panel of culinary experts will judge and choose a single winning dish. The grand prize winner will be announced during the Award Reception to be held at the South Carolina Aquarium.

The grand prize winner and one guest will receive a trip to Panama City, which will include 4 day, 3 night accommodations, round trip air transportation, ground transportation, a tour of Panama City and Open Blue’s operations, and dinner with the company’s founder Brian O’Hanlon.

About the upcoming cook off, the marketing team said, “Open Blue is proud to offer such a dynamic opportunity for chefs and foodie bloggers of all skill levels to gain exposure and win great prizes. We look forward to seeing all the amazing, unique recipes and entries we are sure to receive.”

Contest entrants will be able to submit their entry by completing an online form


posted by 7/29/15 by Andrea Gonzalez

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