Restaurant Professionals – We want your input!


There is an Orange County Restaurant Association in the formation stage and we want to know what you think about that. Please click comment at the bottom of this posting and answer the following questions or, leave any comments you wish. If you want to remain anonymous just let us know.
1) Would you consider becoming a member of an OC Restaurant Association?
– If yes, what is your reasoning? If no, what is your reasoning?
2) What do you feel would be a reasonable cost of membership – based on your budget only?
3) With what frequency would you expect to meet?
4) When would you expect to meet?
5) In all honesty, would you show up to the meetings?
6) Why would it be beneficial/pointless to create an OC Restaurant Association?
7) What issues/topics would you like to see addressed by an OC Restaurant Association?
8) What would you expect from an OC Restaurant Association?
9) How would an OC Restaurant Association benefit the Orange County Restaurant Industry?
10) Have you ever belonged to a restaurant association before?

Thanks for your time! We look forward to your comments and hope they will be put to great use.
June 2008

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  1. 1) Would you consider becoming a member of an OC Restaurant Association?

    Yes. I believe as Chefs and Restaurateur it is important to share the ideas we have with one another. It allows both the craftsmen and artist within us an opportunity to grow beyond the walls of our businesses which all too often become too business like. Saying that, it allows us the opportunity to also learn new, old and better ways to do business.

    2) What do you feel would be a reasonable cost of membership – based on your budget only?
    Annualy maybe $100.00 low enough to attract all provided the benefits of belonging are a greater value for money.

    3) With what frequency would you expect to meet?
    Monthly… the same day of the month so that we can plan well enough ahead to make it part of our schedule.

    4) When would you expect to meet?
    SEE 3.

    5) In all honesty, would you show up to the meetings?
    If the meetings are about learning from one another, bringing vendor paid experts in to teach something new about their products. Most good Chefs do not have time to sit somewhere for the purpose of belonging. Make it exciting, interesting, educational and adventurous enough that we look forward to our next meeting.

    6) Why would it be beneficial/pointless to create an OC Restaurant Association?
    SEE 1.-6.

    7) What issues/topics would you like to see addressed by an OC Restaurant Association?
    Food Preparation, cooking techniques, new hygiene methods that save time, vendor demonstrations by experts, wine pairings, new food sources within OC and So. Cal….etc.

    8) What would you expect from an OC Restaurant Association?
    Their sole purpose being to help Restaurateur build better business through better practices, to position OC Chefs, Restaurants and Catering Services become recognized locally and worldwide as a culinary center.

    9) How would an OC Restaurant Association benefit the Orange County Restaurant Industry?
    SEE 1.-9.

    10) Have you ever belonged to a restaurant association before?

  2. 1. Yes I would deffinately join
    2. Not sure, but it must be less that CRA
    3. I would meet mabye every other month (possibly once a month if time allows)
    4. Usually things like this are monthly
    5. Yes
    6. It would be very beneficial because there is nothing here in OC.
    7. networking
    8. I would expect something more than being listed in a directory like CRA does. The local chambers are great for all businesses except restaurants, I would expect them to fill that.
    9. The benefits could be countless, look at other regional associations. I have been to DC for many events and it is the local association that puts that together.
    10. Yes I have, CRA and the NRA and I have never received anything I feel is worth it. I’m a believer in thinking local, more usually benefit.

    In response to parky2, although I know north and south are different it is still one county. We do not have seperate OC goverments or OC newspapers etc. Demographics all over California vary and that is to be expected. New York City does not branch off into north, south, east or west and they have more diverse demographics than us, yet they have been very succesful. There are great restaurants all over OC and I would suspect that people running an association would propably cover all demographics…just a thought.

  3. I’m not really sure I understand what the benefit of associations in general are other than self promotion. As the previous commenter mentioned, I think there are a number of issues associated with having one in OC as the demographics and issues are so vast in this county.

  4. I think an OC Restaurant Association is a great idea(separare from CRA). The problems for such an organization arise from the following:
    1. North OC and South OC are different worlds
    2. With the 32+ different municipalities in OC, local problems are not mutual among operators
    3. There must be a common purpose greater than self propogation of the organization(read the CRA ends statement). What is the vision? Why does or will the association exist? What purpose will independents as well as chain operators buy into that is worth their expenditure of time, money, and resources? Is it tangible, understandable, and real? How will this vision be determined?
    4. Operators will not participate if the organization becomes a means of marketing for distributors/suppliers

    Bottom line- we are all busy and value our time and financial comitments. Why do I and/or other operators need another commitment unless their is substantial perceived value for ourselves personally, our businesses, and/or our communities?

  5. 1. Yes, Would love to be a part of a local Restaurant Association. Think it is a great idea.

    2. Open

    3. At least once a month

    4. Monday afternoon

    5. Depends on how busy my restaurant is that day

    6. It would be a way of working together and discussing common goals to better the industry as a whole

    7. See answer to Number 6

    8. I would like to form a group to fund raise for promoting Orange County as a food destination like NY, Chicgao, or LA

    9. it would benefit us all by bringing people to Orange County in search of great cuisine

    10. Yes in Florida

  6. 1-Yes
    To be able to network with other restaurant
    2-Open to suggestions
    3-once a month
    4-Mid afternoon
    6-Able to work as a group to voice opinoins to legislation
    7-labor issues and legal problems
    8- a voice in the county as a group that has a large work force
    9-Look into group insurances to be able to offer affordable health insurance to all employees and group rates for commerical insurances
    10-Yes, New York Restaurant Association