Hot Off the Press March April 2015


Great Taste Magazine 2015 March April IssueOur March/April 2015 issue is on the press! Watch your mail box, it will be there next week. Inside the issue we are highlighting style in the kitchen and we’ll introduce you to some that have it. Discoverthe cheese and produce of the month, also due to the craft beer boom we give you tips on pouring it into appropriate glassware. Get to know new talent Chef Charlie McKenna with an award-winning BBQ and Southern style he’s cooking up inthe OC. Also, join us in celebrating the anniversaries of the restaurants mentioned in our issue, including El Ranchito, Five Crowns, and El Amerikano.

Our front cover features Chef Carlos Garcia, the creator and owner of Lost Car his chef apparel company. Garcia’s mission behind his coats is to bring style and comfort to all chefs.

James Wood, owner of Outlaw Bar Consulting, gives tips on crafting creative mixed drinks.Wood opens up about his approach to creating the perfect beverage.

Sommelier Jorn Kleinhans discloses how companies have quickly been realizing that wine knowledge and the related culinary polish enables their client facing staff to be better social hosts.

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