30 Years with 30 Barrels of Food in 30 Days


The North Central Group Celebrates 30 Years with 30 Barrels of Food in 30 Days Owners, developers and operators of exceptional hotels, The North Central Group, is celebrating its 30 years in business by donating 30 barrels of food to local Feeding America organizations at its 30 hotel and corporate office locations within 30 days.

The company kicks off its 30th anniversary celebration with the challenge to team members and guests at each of its 30 locations to fill at least one barrel* of food by August 30th. And for every three pounds of food collected, The North Central Group will also donate $3.00 to Feeding America (up to $3,000).

Jonathan Bogatay, President and COO, says, "We're so fortunate to have team members who really understand the meaning of hospitality. They're excited to begin the food drive to help the millions of Americans struggling with hunger." Remaining strong for three decades, through some extremely tumultuous times in the industry, is no small feat. David Lenz, Chairman and CEO, says, "Of course, there are many factors that have enabled us to grow and stay competitive. Surrounding ourselves with outstanding team members who build solid relationships with our guests, each other and within the community has certainly been a major contributor to our ongoing strength and stability."

Posted By: Ashley Nicole 8/1/2011

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